What You'll Read in the Book
The Book Outline
The Story of the Birth of Broadcasting in Sudbury - Local Visionaries, Canadian Pioneers of BroadcastingOur story begins during the era of lumbering and nickel discovery and takes you up to the mid 1980s. It also looks at the broadcast landscape of today and ventures to envision where conventional radio and television may be in the next few decades. There are numerous and diverse chapters with historical and factual accounts. The reader will find that although each chapter is its own story they often overlap with stories, anecdotes and occurrances helping to bridge together the story as a whole.
Chapters in the Book
Acknowledgements: Friends, Colleagues & Acquaintances
Lumbering, Railway, Nickel & Media: The Beginning, The Connection
Introduction of Commercial Media in Northern Ontario
CKSO AM Radio - The Year was 1935
No Stranger to Sudbury
With Licence in Hand
Growing Together
The Havana Treaty
A New Transmitter
Looking Ahead
CKSO Founder Dies
Adding to Radio, Live Television and New Quarters
50,000 Watts and Sounding Like a Million
Radio Business for Sale
First On – Last Off
CKSO FM Radio Comes to Town - The Year was 1965
Down the Street, Another Pioneer, Félix Baxter Ricard
CKSO Radio Celebrates 25 Years
Remembrance of Golden Age Radio Programming
The Small Screen Comes to Sudbury
We’re in the Black
Changing Landscape
CKNC TV Comes to Town – Introducing J. Conrad Lavigne
Remembrance of Golden Age Television Programming
Longest Running Popular Homegrown Program
Look Mom, I’m on TV!
Tele-Wives Time
Sewing Anyone?
Occupation Please
A Show for Teens
Infomercials in the 50s?
The Puppet Ruse
Hub’s Club
Exit Golden Age of Television
TV Business for Sale
The Visionaries & Pioneers
Ralph Connor
Judge James Maxwell Cooper
Gary Duguay
Eileen Forbom
Larry Gavin
George Lund
William Edge Mason
George Miller
James Tennant Miller
W.B. (William Bell) Plaunt Sr.
W.B. (Bill) Plaunt Jr.
Wilbur J. “Wilf” Woodill
The Personalities
Bill Acheson
Bill Adams
Howard “Hub” Beaudry
Gary Beech
Joe Bowen
Cumming “Cummy” Burton
Bill Catalano
Brendan Connor
Michael Connor
Michael Cranston
Anne-Marie (Mulligan) Crosby
Dave Deloye
Judy (Jacobson) Erola
Rob Faulds
Stirling Faux
Kathy Gooch
Paul Haynes
Garry Janz
Ron Johnston
Bill Kehoe
Dan Kelly
John Kennedy
Ron Kronstein
Peter Mallette
James (Jim) Marchbank
Don Mark
Brian W. Martin
Kim O’Hare
Dick Peplow
Richard (Dick Scott) Pratz
Grace Rumball
Frank Salive
Basil “Bas” Scully
Ron Smith
Joe Spence
James Tuckett
Ron Tufts
Scott Turnbull
Robert Vairo
Warren Woods
The Way It Was and Is
Local Ownership
From ‘My Foot in the Door’ to CKSO.com to a Book
About the Author – Doug McCann
The Passion Never Dies
General Resources
Individual Articles
Photo Credits
GREAT SCOTT! 40 Years Behind A Mike
The Great White North
Tonite Not Tonight